Friday, September 5, 2008

Crafting Family Games

Are you planning to host or attend a family get-together this year? I'm sure you probably are. It may consist of a dinner and some gift exchanging. That is an ideal way to end the night, sure! What about earlier that day? Ok, Realistically, this may not happen, but wouldn't it be nice to plan a game or something that could involve everyone?, or maybe just the children while the adults look on?

This is not an easy feat nowadays, especially if you have family who would live far away. If you could though, you would more than likely find this is a joyful way to bring the family closer, while making a few good memories at the same time. It could be a board game, maybe a "treasure hunt", it may even be a competition style event. (Carefully planned not to have any losers!)

Whatever the activity, It seems like it would be more sincere if it was created by you, or everyone helping. Using a little imagination can ensure that this is something that belongs to you and your family. No one else can take it from you, so it brings you closer. This is what it should be exactlly. It's doesn't have be so involved that it would sell on the market. No, actually the simpler it is to craft or come up with, the more fun you will have when it's set in to action!

Remember what the season makes you remember about "the old days", and share it with the "new" gathering. There is a country song that says, "Let's make some good old days tonight". That is what I'm writing about, in a nutshell. -Stephanie

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