Monday, September 1, 2008

Doll Rosettes

To make the Rosette, the stitching you need to stitch to crisscross the length of ribbon. Pull up till it starts to meet. After the bind the ends so that it turns into sphere, stitch the two ends together. The small rosette will form if you sew the ends closer.

How to Gather your Ribbons

The fabric gathered is known as “Shirr”. If you want to “Shirr” ribbons, you need to use needle and thread and stitch a line along the edges of ribbon and pulling to complete the process. For bunching you need to stitch the center of the ribbon and pull it to complete the Rosette.

How to Shell your edges:

If you want to add design to the hem, sleeve and neck you can use shell. Instead of starting at the right side of the fabric start at the opposite side and fold it in the other side of hem. Stitch around three times pulling the needle so it remains under the fabric. The shell design will complete once the thread is pulled in tight and re-stitched to make a tight fold. Continue stitching until a patter is formed. For designing Doll rosettes, you will need to design the dress first and then make the Rosettes. If you are planning to make a new Doll dress choose some bright colors and mixing color will give it a good effect and a good pattern also can be made. Once you have decided to make a Doll dress, you may want to measure your doll and purchase the fabric. The size will be the most important measurement required. If the doll is large, the small or medium pattern will look good. If you are trying to change the look of the doll you can get the fabric for shoes and you can choose many types of shoes for doll including booties. Once the shoes is chosen pick the socks which will match with the dress and the shoes. You can add cap or hat for a good look. How to choose hats: Hats can be a straw hat, or made with fabric the same as the dress. Of course you know the hat should be in line with the dress, shoes, socks and the general look of the doll. You can add belts for the dress for your doll.

How to choose belts:

Belts can be of the same color as the dress or you can make a sash from the material itself or you can choose contrast material for belts. You can dress up your doll with the additional matching purse, jewellery, bags, shawls, etc. You can also add matching bed spreads and furniture. The ready made clothes and other stuff is available online for you to look and you can copy the pattern or you can choose your own.

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